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Our work is ongoing and so is the need for help from caring citizens like you. With 84,000 rural lands still unprotected and hundreds of species to monitor, we know it takes a village.

There are many ways you can join our efforts to protect and preserve the precious habitat of the Western Everglades, each uniquely rewarding.


Help Us Protect & Preserve Our Western Everglades Habitat


Your Direct Gifts Help Keep Our Good Work in Motion

Your donations make a direct, measurable difference in protecting the quality of life in the Western Everglades. Here are 3 ways we put your gifts to work:


  • Protects the Wood Stork habitat.



  • Supports a biologist’s pay to continue Burrowing Owl research.


  • Provides the means to complete permanent protection of 134,000 private acres in Collier County – what can become the largest private incentive land protection initiative east of the Mississippi.

Commitment to Care

To give now, select a level below and follow the prompts. AWE appreciates ALL levels of giving. Thank you for helping us preserve the Western Everglades!








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"least tern, hunting" by wolfpix is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.

Photo by Jean van der Meulen

Photo by Frank Cone

Please Make A Gift Today. Your Support is Needed and Your Gifts Are Tax Deductible.

Collier County Audubon Society, Inc., d/b/a Audubon of the Western Everglades, is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, IRS section 170c(iii) for both federal and state tax purposes. Federal tax identification number is 23-7030698. Collier County Audubon Society, Inc.'s State of Florida Contributions Registration Number is CH17894. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free 1-800-435-7352 within the State. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by the State.


Your Support Protects South West Florida’s Vulnerable Wildlife and Natural Resources

That's why your contribution is so much more than charity; it's an investment in the future of vulnerable ecosystems in our region -  and our planet. In addition to being the foundation of our vital conservation, restoration, and community education efforts, members enjoy rewarding benefits at all the following levels:

Annual Sustaining Membership Amounts $60, $100, $250 & $500    

Membership Privileges

Make it official - become a member and enjoy all of these benefits:

  • FREE admission to the monthly Evening Speaker Series

  • Discounted fees for field trips, educational workshops & photo safaris

  • Quarterly Newsletter publication

  • 20% off Art and Ancillary Products​ (Coming Soon)

  • Window decal

  • Discounted access to Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary

  • Discounted access to Naples Botanical Garden

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Discover the camaraderie and purpose of a great group of people who care about our natural environment and are actively making a positive difference for the health of these at-risk habitats.  There are many unique ways volunteers serve each effort, from educating the public, to researching, monitoring and reporting specific wildlife activities, to safeguarding their nesting grounds and beyond.

Volunteer Opportunites


Shorebird Stewards are volunteers that help AWE staff biologists to protect shorebirds and their breeding grounds through public education, monitoring and research.


Owl Watch volunteers help AWE staff biologists through the monitoring, research and maintenance of owl burrows, primarily on Marco Island.

Gopher Tortoises are a State-designated Threatened species. AWE has embarked on a comprehensive land study locating all Marco Island tortoise burrows. 

Volunteers are needed to serve in both Collier and Lee Counties and in Summer (May through July) and Winter (September through December) programs.

Shorebird Stewards have a direct impact on the protection of these beautiful creatures and their offspring. Learn more about the Stewardship Program here.

Throughout the nesting season dozens of volunteers monitor hundreds of owl burrow sites on Marco Island. The research data volunteers collect is used by UF biologists to track changes in the Burrowing Owl population.Owl Watch volunteers also post perches and fencing around new owl burrows and maintain them throughout the year.

Learn more about Owl Watch here.

Volunteers help us monitor gopher tortoises and their burrows, conduct and collect research and inform the public on how to safeguard them.

AWE volunteers are actively saving gopher tortoises and helping us protect their habitat. Learn more about the Gopher Tortoise Program here.


 Volunteer Program

Owl Watch   Volunteer Program

Gopher Tortoise Volunteer Program

the joy of volunteering

Press the arrows to view gallery of volunteers.


Please complete this form to request volunteering with us. The Volunteer Coordinator will contact you with additional information about the program and to answer any questions.

Enter Volunteer Program Preference

Thanks for submitting!


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If you are passionate about protecting these species and would like to be actively involved in their preservation but are unable to be in the field, supporting our programs with a financial gift is a great way to help.


Thank you for the generosity of your gifts.

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